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My Beth

I have known Beth my whole life. Beths birthday is the 13th of July and mine is the 14th. I cant remember a time that she did not call me on my birthday. We would sing the birthday song to each other. Her sister Toni worked at Pat & Mikes, I loved going in there to get my cherry coke fix, and of course exchange stories because Beth was always there. I remember the day that she told me her and Charles were moving to Phoenix, we cried like babies. But, she always had a positive attitude about anything her and Charles did. She told me they would be back.

I Love you Beth, and will be singing at our next birthday. You made my life happy just looking at you. You will be the only women besides my Mom that has ever kissed me on the lips.



Beth was the ultimate "golden girl".  As precious as gold.....and able, smart, saavy, kind, thoughtful, and funny.  Her greeting on the phone was..."Hi, honey!!!!", and you could feel your heart warm just hearing her voice.

She  introduced me to my first pastie, and told me to put it in the sun on the dash,  and warm it up on the drive home. How amazng was this wonderful gal? Was there anything she couldn't do well?

I will love, and remember, and miss her forever.


Beth befriended me when I was eleven and the new kid on the playground.  We bonded on horseback, riding in the hills of Oracle and later riding in cars with boys. As kids, she came to my house to help babysit and I went to her house to help her clean.  We learned alot from each other and our folks/families.  She was ever present in my life even when I was thousands of miles away.  We would get together whenever we could.  We were entwined on many levels as young marrieds meeting in Okla., as new parents, nurturing our kids,  as middleaged parents enjoying our kids, and creeping to older as we met with the Golden Girls (our lunch bunch).

   I can still see Beth and me in our little white dresses, 13 years old standing in front of the little school in Oracle for graduation from the 8th grade, her soon to be 14 and me 6 months later.  Our parents gathered dutifully.  We sang "You'll Never Walk Alone", a heavy duty song for 13 years olds.  Beth did always have hope in her heart and she never did or will walk alone. My Dad and Mom loved Beth and her jubilance for life as did my whole family.  I want to share a prayer that meant alot to me when my dad died.  He always feels like he is here with me.   Love, Susan


Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.

Cammie Eberhart

For over forty  years Beth was a big and important part of my life and I feel so blessed to have had those years.    She was a very caring person, as we all know,  and was always helping someone.   Throughout her illness, I never once, heard her complain or whine,  she wanted to know  "how are you doing"    There are so many  thngs to love about her and I will always think of them and miss her.

Good bye and God Bless you,  my  Dear Bether........

Kelly Taylor

Beth alway made me laugh!  Everytime I saw her, from the time I was just a kid, she could make me crack up!  I have told my children stories about funny things she said or did, so I was delighted when they had the pleasure to meet her last year and get an in person dose of that great sense of humor.


Beth was a force of nature and I feel blessed to have enjoyed her company! 

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